Logging Data with Dynojet Power Vision PV-1B PV-2B PV-3B for Harley-Davidson

Logging Data with Dynojet Power Vision PV-1 PV-2 for Harley-Davidson

There are situations when you may want to record ECM data on your Dynojet Power Vision equipped Harley Davidson, whether you are looking to review logs and fine tune your calibration or maybe Fuel Moto has request logs to help diagnose or identify and issue you are encountering. In the following article you will find instructions and helpful info on the logging process as well as saving, opening, and analyzing logs.

Getting Started – Logging Data with Dynojet Power Vision

Configuring the Proper Channels.

The default channels that are pre-configured in your Power Vision have the correct data for most configurations. The default channels will give you about 30 channels from the databus. These include Throttle Position,  Target AF/Lambda, MAP load, RPM, Engine Temp, front and rear Short term/Long term Fuel Trims (CLI/AFF), front and rear VE and corrected VE, Vehicle Speed, front and rear Spark Timing, Knock Retard, Injector Pulse Width and many others. Unless we request additional channels the defaults will have the necessary channels we are looking for.

Adding Channels

You can add any available channel to your logs using your PV device. On your PV go to Datalog>Gauges>Datalog Settings>Signals. Select “Manual” this will allow you to add or remove any channel from your logs from the list that is displayed. *Note* any channels you add from your gauge screens will be added to your logs. For example if you have a Target Tune kit installed and are monitoring wideband O2 AFR front and rear on your gauges, these channels will be added to your logs automatically.

Target Tune Channels

It’s recommended to use the default channels however if you have changed them its helpful to set them to “Narrowband Tuning” from the Datalog Signals noted above. This signal list actually means closed loop (confusing right?) and includes the appropriate channels we reference for Target Tune. It’s also helpful to add WBO2 AFR  (or Lambda) Front and Rear from the Vehicle Channel List from the gauge screen which will then add AFR data from the wideband O2 sensor in the log.

Starting and Stopping Your Data Logs

You can start and stop your logs from any gauge screen by going to Datalog>Gauges. You will find the Start Log/Stop Log button in the bottom right of the screen. Note the gauges are not configured by default nor do they need to be for logging. To start logging you will need to start the motorcycle first. You can then go to Datalog>Gauges and start/stop your log(s).

If you forget to stop your log before you shut the motor off that’s ok as log data is saved every several minutes. When you stop the log the file is saved in the Power Vision device as a .csv file and is labeled in sequence. The Power Vision also displays the name of the log while it is recording (example: log0001.csv). You can also start/stop logs within the Auto Tune green screen by selecting start/stop at the bottom of your screen. This will not affect Auto Tune data collection or operation. For instructions on using the Auto Tune application> click here

Log Duration

Generally speaking in most cases we recommend running log sessions of about 20 minutes. This can vary based on the objectives of your logging. If you are performing logs to send Fuel Moto data we need to see logs of the area of the tune where you are having issues. If the issue occurs at a certain RPM range, vehicle speed, engine load, etc. The Power Vision device can hold many hours of log data so don’t be afraid to get as much data to work with as possible. Do not send us logs that are a few seconds or a couple minutes long. The more data we have to work with the better.

How Should I Ride While Logging

Ride the bike normally, avoid going in and out of the throttle excessively and purposely. The best data is collected in steady state. It’s not easy to tune a moving target. If you are trying to diagnose an issue try to get as much data from that RPM and load range as possible. For example, if you are experiencing surging or spark knock when passing at highway speed and your log consists of mild city driving it will not be of much help.

How Do I Retrieve My Logs

Logs are retrieved and saved within the WinPv software. To do so you will open the software, select Get Log. Choose the file you would like to retrieve and save. You will save the file to a location on your computer, most commonly your desktop. Log files are .csv files that are labeled in sequence (example: log0001.csv).

Sending Logs

Once you have saved your log(s) if you want to send the files to Fuel Moto you will use the Fuel Map Support form. Then select “I’m having an issue with my tune”. This will allow you to upload logs as well as a copy of your tune. Be sure to clearly state any issues you are encountering.

Analyzing Logs

The most practical way to view Power Vision logs is with the Dynojet Power Core software. This free software allow you to very easily view and graph your logs. You can choose the specific channels you want to view. This software is very powerful and gives you a wide range of flexibility. To open your Power Vision logs in Power Core you will open the software and select “csv Import” in the upper left.

There are also assorted third party applications for viewing .csv files, such as MegaLogviewerHD. We find very useful, and you can also open & view logs in excel.